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Black Bat Audiobook #17 The Blackout Murders - 5 hours [Download] #RA1062D
The Black Bat Audiobook #17 The Blackout Murders

5 hours - Digital Download

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Product Code: RA1062D

The Black Bat #17 Audiobook
The Blackout Murders
by G. Wayman Jones
Read by Milton Bagby
Out of the night comes a menacing winged figure! Blind district attorney Tony Quinn takes his battle for justice from the courtrooms to the streets, battling evil as The Black Bat!
Tony Quinn, The Black Bat, rips aside the dark veil of mystery that shrouds a monstrous killer when a devilish machine of grim destruction threatens to bring panic to an entire nation!
The Black Bat has much in common with other heroes of the Pulps, including a wealth that readers are left to assume came from his career as an attorney before losing his sight. What overshadows most of these comparisons, however, is the fact that even from the very beginning The Black Bat saw a purpose in going to extraordinary lengths to fight what many would consider common criminals. Mad scientists and super criminals very rarely crossed Tony Quinn’s path in his fight for justice. The Black Bat’s rogue’s gallery included more urbane villains, from gang bosses to murderers to thugs and goons. Although many fans over the years have said that The Black Bat stories might have been better with more grandiose, extreme foes to fight, one of the appeals that kept this series running longer than even Doc Savage and The Shadow rests in the fact that The Black Bat went after evil that his readers likely encountered or at least read about every day.
From Tony Quinn’s first adventure, he is a crime fighter for the common person in his role as district attorney. Even the way in which he loses his sight, at the hands of a common criminal, concretes his resolve to not only continue striving for justice in his own way, but it gives him a laser focus on the type of crook that The Black Bat must pursue. In this, not only does Quinn continue the fight he began as an attorney, but he also proves to the readers that The Black Bat is a hero for the everyman.
Thrill to The Blackout Murders, originally published in Black Book Detective #50 March 1942 and read with two fisted excitement by award winning voice actor Milton Bagby.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Escape to Death
Chapter 2: Oblivion
Chapter 3: Welcome Client
Chapter 4: The Black Bat Moves In
Chapter 5: Murder Advertises
Chapter 6: The Inventor’s Return
Chapter 7: No Time to Sing
Chapter 8: The Exploring Death
Chapter 9: Financier of Death
Chapter 10: Publicity for Murder
Chapter 11: Murder Test
Chapter 12: Avenge the Black Bat
Chapter 13: Hideout
Chapter 14: The Avenger in Black
Chapter 15: The Patriot’s Move
Chapter 16: Headquarters Conference
Chapter 17: The Patriot’s Trick
Chapter 18: Raid
Chapter 19: The Huge Fraud

Milton Bagby is a veteran radio announcer and voiceover specialist who first turned to audiobooks in 2010. Since then, Milton has worked on several hundred audiobook projects and is a 2017 Audie Awards winner, the audiobook industry's highest award. Drawing upon years of stage acting and the occasional bit part in films, Milton uses his experience to create characters that stand out in the ear of the listener.
“I am very much aware that a perfect stranger is going to invest many hours listening to me tell a story. I do my best to give the listener an experience in which the characters in that story come alive and sound real.”
When not behind a microphone, Milton is a writer. In addition to the well-received Rick Burkhart crime novels, Milton writes a line of 1950s style pulp stories, and is the author of dozens of magazine articles and two non-fiction books. Milton and his wife live in Nashville.


Average Customer Review: Average Customer Review: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Write a review

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 June 28, 2021
Reviewer: Ronald Poness from Vero Beach, FL United States  
Very good quality, as usual..Similar to other 30's heroes but very good. Some interesting twists. I will buy another.

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