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Radio Archives Newsletter
February 14, 2025
1 new OTR set, 2 new eBooks, and 5 featured products from Radio Archives this week!
All new and featured products are discounted the first week.
Old Time Radio
New Old Time Radio set
Volume 95
Audio Clip
Radio Preservation has always been at the core of Radio Archives. This exciting series is derived from our massive collection of thirty thousand radio shows from 16" transcription discs and fifty thousand shows from low generation reels.
This 20 hour collection includes shows from the classic days of Radio. You'll find rare and obscure as well as mainstream radio shows from the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s in the Radio Archives Treasures sets.
These shows have all been restored with state-of-the-art CEDAR technology - the audio processing system used by major recording companies to restore older recordings. We expect the shows to be the best sounding copies available anywhere.
Radio Archives Treasures restored to sparkling digital quality.
CD #1
You Bet Your Life
Secret Word - Face
Wednesday, November 23, 1955 - 30:00 - NBC - DeSoto-Plymouth commercials
You Bet Your Life
Secret Word - Sign
Wednesday, November 30, 1955 - 30:00 - NBC - DeSoto-Plymouth commercials
CD #2
You Bet Your Life
Secret Word - Chair
Wednesday, December 7, 1955 - 30:00 - NBC - DeSoto-Plymouth commercials
You Bet Your Life
Secret Word - Name
Wednesday, December 14, 1955 - 30:00 - NBC - DeSoto-Plymouth commercials
CD #3
You Bet Your Life
Secret Word - Street
Wednesday, December 21, 1955 - 30:00 - NBC - DeSoto-Plymouth commercials
You Bet Your Life
Secret Word - Table
Wednesday, December 28, 1955 - 30:00 - NBC - DeSoto-Plymouth commercials
CD #4
Sunday, October 8, 1961 - 30:00 - CBS - Zerex anti-freeze commercials
Seeds of Disaster
Sunday, October 15, 1961 - 30:00 - CBS - Zerex anti-freeze commercials
CD #5
The Imposters
Sunday, November 12, 1961 - 30:00 - CBS - Sustaining, No commercials
Man Trap
Sunday, November 26, 1961 - 30:00 - CBS - Sustaining, No commercials
CD #6
The Luck of the Tiger Eye
Sunday, December 3, 1961 - 30:00 - CBS - Sustaining, No commercials
Sunday, January 14, 1962 - 30:00 - CBS - Sustaining, No commercials
CD #7
Sunday, January 21, 1962 - 30:00 - CBS - Sustaining, No commercials
Sunday, February 4, 1962 - 30:00 - CBS - Sustaining, No commercials
CD #8
Vic and Sade
Young Honeymooners
Thursday, August 8, 1946 - 30:00 - Mutual Don Lee - Fitch Shampoo commercials
Vic and Sade
Fight Over the Size of Mrs. Trogel's Shoe
Thursday, August 22, 1946 - 30:00 - Mutual Don Lee - Fitch Shampoo commercials
CD #9
Biography in Sound
Ernie Pyle, Typewriter in a Foxhole
Thursday, January 16, 1958 - 60:00 - NBC - Sustaining, No commercials
CD #10
The C. P. MacGregor Show
#51 The Miracle of San Tamas
1940s - 30:00 - Syndicated - No commercials
The C. P. MacGregor Show
#52 Eternal Spring
1940s - 30:00 - Syndicated - No commercials
CD #11
The C. P. MacGregor Show
#53 Rockabye Babe
1940s - 30:00 - Syndicated - No commercials
The C. P. MacGregor Show
#54 Spats McCann
1940s - 30:00 - Syndicated - No commercials
CD #12
The College Quiz Bowl
#54 Goucher College vs. Syracuse University
Saturday, April 30, 1955 - 30:00 - NBC - No commercials
The College Quiz Bowl
#55 Fordham University vs. Syracuse University
Saturday, May 7, 1955 - 30:00 - NBC - No commercials
CD #13
The College Quiz Bowl
Trinity College vs. Syracuse University
Wednesday, May 11, 1955 - 30:00 - NBC - No commercials
The College Quiz Bowl
Barnard College vs. Syracuse University
Wednesday, May 18, 1955 - 30:00 - NBC - No commercials
CD #14
The Kraft Music Hall
It's a Grand Night for Singing
Thursday, September 2, 1948 - 30:00 - NBC - Kraft commercials
The Kraft Music Hall
Guest - Jeanette MacDonald
Thursday, September 16, 1948 - 30:00 - NBC - Kraft commercials
CD #15
Lightning Jim
#23 Wade Emerson
1944 - 30:00 - Syndicated - No commercials
Lightning Jim
#24 Big Barney
1944 - 30:00 - Syndicated - No commercials
CD #16
#283 Mademoiselle Modiste
1940s - 30:00 - AFRS - No commercials
#285 Brigadoon
1940s - 30:00 - AFRS - No commercials
CD #17
Command Performance
#305 June Havoc
Tuesday, February 24, 1948 - 30:00 - AFRS - No commercials
Command Performance
#315 Betty Jane Rhodes
Tuesday, March 2, 1948 - 30:00 - AFRS - No commercials
CD #18
The Quiz Kids
Who Hopes to Whip Cream in June
Sunday, March 21, 1948 - 30:00 - NBC - Alka-Seltzer commercials
The Quiz Kids
What Kind of Skin Makes the Best Slipper
Sunday, August 8, 1948 - 30:00 - NBC - Alka-Seltzer commercials
CD #19
The Quiz Kids
Audition Clifton Fadiman
Monday, January 9, 1956 - 30:00 - No commercials
Twenty Questions
#403 1st Subject Bobby McGuire
Wednesday, March 3, 1954 - 30:00 - AFRS - No commercials
CD #20
Unit 99
#42 Incomplete Phone Call
Friday, June 6, 1958 - 30:00 - ABC/AFRS - No commercials
Unit 99
#43 Investigate 3 Stickups
Friday, June 13, 1958 - 30:00 - ABC/AFRS - No commercials
20 hours - MP3 regular price $39.99
Discounted for the next week - $19.99
Featured: previously released
Volume 6
Around Dodge City and in the territory on west -- there’s just one way to handle the killers and the spoilers -- and that’s with a U.S. Marshall and the smell of “Gunsmoke”! “Gunsmoke” starring William Conrad. The story of the violence that moved west with young America -- and the story of a man who moved with it. I’m that man, Matt Dillon, United States Marshall -- the first man they look for and the last they want to meet. It’s a chancy job -- and it makes a man watchful...and a little lonely.
While Norman Macdonnell and John Meston were openly relishing the opportunity to upend the highly popular romanticized clichés of the Old West in a new show green lighted by CBS and Paley; the producer and writer still had to tackle a major problem if they wanted Gunsmoke to succeed. Macdonnell and Meston need to find the ideal voice actor to give the newly christened Marshall Matt Dillon life.
William Conrad was one the hardest working actor of all time. Conrad’s distinctive voice carried a rich cacophony of emotional ranges that made him the a sought after actor during Radio’s Golden Age. By some estimates, Conrad acted in over 7,500 radio episodes. Macdonnell didn’t want to cast Conrad in the role of Marshall Matt Dillon because he thought the actor was over-saturated on the airwaves. Meston firmly believed that Conrad was the perfect choice for the role. So like any good partner in a creative endeavor, Meston set out to bring Macdonnell around to his line of thinking.
Getting Macdonnell to agree to cast Conrad as Marshall Matt Dillon proved to be far easier than Meston had anticipated. Macdonnell agreed to let Conrad audition for the role much to Meston’s delight. Conrad read just a few lines before Macdonnell and Meston. With just reading a few lines, Conrad’s portrayal of Dillon as a man isolated by loneliness and a tough life won Macdonnell over.
Listen to the Sparkling Audio Quality in Radio Archives restoration of Gunsmoke, Volume 6.
6 hours - MP3 regular price $11.99
Discounted for the next week - $5.99
Featured: previously released
#13 March of the Flame Marauders
by Frederick C. Davis writing as Curtis Steele
Read by Milton Bagby
Oil — black gold — the blood of Mother Earth! America had squandered its precious reserves and a syndicate of skilled saboteurs was destroying the remaining store! With all National defense rendered helpless for want of it, bitter despair gripped the hearts of the country’s millions. Pillage, slaughter, and slavery — misery and death — threatened each American! And Jimmy Christopher, Operator #5 of the United States Intelligence, was gambling his life recklessly in a valiant effort to save his native land from extinction!

From out of the pages of Operator #5 magazine steps a dramatic hero who pits himself against threats to national security from all origins. Whether it’s a subversive internal threat, or a full-scale invasion from an enemy land, James Christopher stood ready and resolute to defeat it.


Aided by a small group of trusted assistant, ranging from his twin sister Nan to scrappy street urchin Tim Donovan, Jimmy Christopher was a one-man defense force. Proud and patriotic, expert marksman and swordsman, he is the best America has to offer in a time of severe trial.


Originally written by master pulpsmith Frederick C. Davis, the Operator #5 series was a clear forerunner of the spy and espionage genre, which exploded in the 1960s when President John F. Kennedy happened to remark that he enjoyed reading Ian Fleming’s James Bond novels. The first Bond film, Dr. No, was released in 1962. Soon, America was surrounded by spies. The Man from U.N.C.L.E., Our Man Flint, and Nick Carter, Killmaster were just a few of the most prolific. Jimmy Christopher was on the job a generation before them all, blazing the espionage trail, and keeping America safe from fascism and other wicked isms.


Into this unprecedented crisis plunged Jimmy Christopher. Only one man, but a man who embodied the American spirit — and stands prepared to perish to protect his country.

March of the Flame Marauders is read with stirring intensity by Milton Bagby. Originally published in the April, 1935 issue of Operator #5 magazine.
5 hours - MP3 regular price $9.99
Featured: previously released
The Spider and Hell's Factory
by Norvell W. Page writing as Grant Stockbridge
Read by Nick Santa Maria
On a wave of crime and terror that was like a mass blood purge, Hell’s own handyman, the killer the underworld knew only as THE CHIEF, swept into America’s greatest center of war industry. His ruthless goal was to force the valiant legions of war-workers to betray the very country for which they toiled so tirelessly... And only Richard Wentworth and his few personal friends stood in the way of this tidal wave of treason and destruction... Come follow the Spider as he recklessly offers his own life to stop this menace to America!
The Spider stories are all about action, emotional intensity, and pacing. Wentworth himself is strongly emotional, plumbing the thrills of victory as readily, and as deeply, as the depths of despair during his escapades. His long-suffering fiancée, Nita van Sloan, is a worthy character in her own right, though frequently relegated to the role of hostage-bait. As additional exotic spice, Wentworth maintains a Sikh manservant/warrior companion, Ram Singh, as well as chauffeur Ronald Jackson, the sergeant from his old army days. Rounding out the cast of characters is Commissioner of Police Stanley Kirkpatrick, Wentworth’s staunch friend and the Spider’s greatest adversary; Kirkpatrick himself lives in a state of constant angst for fear that duty will one day force him to send his friend to the electric chair as punishment for the Spider’s crimes.
Nick Santa Maria reads The Spider and Hell's Factory with indescribable emotion. Originally published in The Spider magazine, October, 1943.
5 hours - MP3 regular price $9.99
Discounted for the next week - $4.99
Featured: previously released
On Poisoned Ground
by I.A. Watson
Read by Paul Curtis
Some Wars Never End
London 2018—Upon his discharge from the military, Captain Hugh “Bulldog” Drummond finds civilian life dull. Posting an ad in the London Times he explains his desire to find new adventures. Much to his surprise, he gets much more than he could have ever bargained for and soon finds himself battling an evil genius bent on destroying all of London. He finds this is a threat he can’t possibly win alone and soon he has recruited his former S.A.S team, unique men with special skills that just might save the day.
Airship 27 Productions is thrilled to launch the return of one of pulpdom’s most illustrious champions, Bulldog Drummond, in “On Poisoned Ground” by writer I.A. Watson. This is a brand new version of a classic hero, reinvented for our times and jam-packed with suspense, thrills and danger enough to fill a half dozen books. Once you open page one, you will not be able to put this book down. Read with stirring excitement by Paul Curtis.
9 hours - MP3 regular price $17.99
New eBook
Total Pulp Experience. These exciting pulp adventures have been beautifully reformatted for easy reading as an eBook and features every story, every editorial, and every column of the original pulp magazine.
During the science-fiction boom of the 1930s, there were over a dozen pulp magazines dedicated to the subject. Analog, Startling Stories, Amazing Stories, Planet Stories, Captain Future and Super Science Stories were just a few. In 1929, Hugo Gernsback founded the magazine which would eventually, after several name changes, become Thrilling Wonder Stories. Until it folded in 1955, it published ground-breaking science fiction from some of the genre's brightest stars. Thrilling Wonder Stories returns in these vintage pulp tales, reissued for today’s readers in electronic format.
Regular price $3.99
New eBook
Total Pulp Experience. These exciting pulp adventures have been beautifully reformatted for easy reading as an eBook and features every story, every editorial, and every column of the original pulp magazine.
Ten detective stories, every one complete. All kinds of stories, each designed to keep the reader wide awake. That was 10 Story Detective. Every publisher of pulp magazines had a stable of detective action magazines. From Ace Magazines, also known as Periodical House, came 10 Story Detective magazine, which featured shorter detective fiction. Periodical House, aka Ace Magazines, started in the crime fiction field with Ten Detective Aces in 1928 (under the short-lived title of The Dragnet Magazine). As the audience for detective yarns increased, Ace Magazines added 10 Story Detective, premiering in January 1938 and the magazine ran for eleven years, winding up with the August 1949 issue. It was standard sized at 112 pages and cost a standard dime, yet within those pages were some of the most entertaining crime fiction printed. 10 Story Detective returns in these vintage pulp tales, reissued for today’s readers in electronic format.
Featured eBook
The Spider #117 eBook
October 1943
Total Pulp Experience. These exciting pulp adventures have been beautifully reformatted for easy reading as an eBook and features every story, every editorial, and every column of the original pulp magazine. As a special bonus, Will Murray has written an introduction especially for this series of eBooks.
Another epic exploit of America’s best-loved pulp-fiction character of the 1930s and 1940s: The Spider — Master of Men! Richard Wentworth — the dread Spider, nemesis of the Underworld, lone wolf anti-crime crusader who always fights in that grim no-man’s land between Law and lawless — returns in vintage pulp tales of the Spider, reissued for today’s readers in electronic format.

Radio Archives Pulp Classics line of eBooks are of the highest quality and feature the great Pulp Fiction stories of the 1930s-1950s. All eBooks produced by Radio Archives are available in ePub and Mobi formats for the ultimate in compatibility. If you have a Kindle, the Mobi version is what you want. New Kindle's use ePub. If you have an iPad/iPhone, Android, or Nook, then the ePub version is what you want.

Comments From Our Customers!
Michael Rogers writes:
Sherlock Holmes-Volume 13. Always been a fan of Holmes and Watson and new stories help to continue the legacy! Great service as usual from Radio Archives! Recommended!
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