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Sun Koh Heir to Atlantis by Art Sippo Audiobook - 10 hours [Download] #RA1040D
Sun Koh Heir to Atlantis by Art Sippo Audiobook

10 hours - Digital Download

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Product Code: RA1040D

Sun Koh Heir to Atlantis Audiobook
by Arthur C. Sippo MD, MPH
Read by Paul Curtis
During the 1930s German pulp writer Paul Muller wrote a series of adventures featuring his hero, Sun Koh: Heir of Atlantis. From the very start he was intended to be an Aryan version of America’s Doc Savage. Like Savage he was larger than life and accompanying him on his adventurers was a group of loyal, unique individuals. Whereas Doc Savage was a man of science and his companions all experts in various technical fields, Sun-Koh’s stories were slanted towards mythology and mysticism. He was supposedly a time-traveler from the sunken continent of Atlantis, a member of the Atlantian royal family and master of arcane abilities. Although there were plenty of super-scientific gizmos in his adventures, it was the magic that took center stage. His aides were magicians, immortals and religious Hindu assassins. Quite an eclectic mix.
After being out of print for many years, Dr. Art Sippo’s controversial New Pulp offering returns in this newly expanded Airship 27 edition with an introduction by Pulp Factory Award winning writer, Andrew Salmon. Read with stirring excitement by Paul Curtis.
Table of Contents:
How Art Thou Fallen From Heaven, Lucifer!
Thou Preparest A Table Before Me
Sit Thou at My Right Hand
As Far As the East Is From the West
The Triumph Of the Will
Super Man vs. Übermensch: Doc Savage and Sun Koh
Sun Koh's Crew

Paul Curtis was a truck driver for 23 years and that is where his fascination with old time radio and audiobooks began. Radio stars and narrators kept him company over the many miles. Now he is taking the opportunity to be the accompanying voice for the theater of the mind!

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5 of 5 June 23, 2022
Reviewer: Joe Maavich from Rockford, IL United States  

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