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Star Detective Magazine eBook 1938 November - [Download] #RE1334
Star Detective Magazine eBook 1938 November

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Product Code: RE1334

Radio Archives Pulp Classics
Star Detective Magazine eBook
November 1938
Total Pulp Experience. These exciting pulp adventures have been beautifully reformatted for easy reading as an eBook and features every story, every editorial, and every column of the original pulp magazine.
Weird menace combined with detective tales... that was what Star Detective Magazine offered. And boy did it deliver! Beginning with the inaugural May 1935 issue, readers were treated to ghouls and gats, magic and mayhem, manhunting and machine-gunning, crime and coffins. These were smashing two-fisted action stories that were published on a quarterly basis until 1939. At that time, the name was changed to Uncanny Tales and the magazine continued for a little over a year... five issues to be exact. At that point, the genre seemed to lose steam, and the magazine folded, as did many of the other shudder pulps that saturated the newsstands. There were 16 issues published in all. Star Detective Magazine returns in these vintage pulp tales, reissued for today’s readers in electronic format.
Table of Contents:
A Book-Length Smashing Crime Novel
One Million Dollars — In Corpses!
by Edward S. Ronns
He was ready for it when it happened, and at the first sound he threw himself aside. For that gibbering gangland Tommy-gun was spewing million-dollar lead at Leo Storm, and asking as collateral just one more corpse!
2 Murder-Mystery Novelettes
Murder Is Serious
by Cleve F. Adams
Yosemite in springtime — bah! Give Detective Inspector Mike Thomas his sun-baked city pavements any time, with just an occasional ordinary murder case to solve!
The Sizzle Seat Is For Saps
by Norman A. Daniels
Sure I’m a punk. Did I say I wasn’t? Any guy who makes his living by shoving a roscoe under another guy’s nose is a punk. But bump a guy off? Not me — never! You’re thinking of my pal. That guy’s just plain kill-crazy!
3 Thrilling Short Stories
Dead Man’s Code
by James Hall
A tumbling pile of lumber condemned John Reeve to a wheel chair, but it wedged Spike Evans into an electric chair — ten years later!
Killers Don’t Scream
by Cyril Plunkett
When Judy Greene stepped into the wrong apartment, she found herself in a murder maze — with a corpse luring her to the morgue!
Murder Blackout
by Robert O. Kenyon
To keep the movie fans who idolized him from learning he was an eighteen-carat cur, Jed Carlson buried his past in gorgeous Mitzi Mack’s slaughtered body!
Radio Archives Pulp Classics line of eBooks are of the highest quality and feature the great Pulp Fiction stories of the 1930s-1950s. All eBooks produced by Radio Archives are available in ePub and Mobi formats for the ultimate in compatibility. If you have a Kindle, the Mobi version is what you want. If you have an iPad/iPhone, Android, or Nook, then the ePub version is what you want.

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Good detective stories December 9, 2024
Reviewer: Stephen K Lau from Atlanta, GA United States  

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5 of 5 December 9, 2024
Reviewer: Janusz Prus from Essen, NRW Germany  

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