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Return to Claudia, Volume 1 - 10 hours [Download] #RA059D
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  2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 A complete 1940's Radio Soap Opera........ May 20, 2022
Reviewer: Richard McLeod from RIVERSIDE, CA United States  
The movies of Claudia and David were very popular at the movies in the middle 1940's. Ina Claire had played the mother in the movies, and she would have been an added delight to these stories which are typical of Soap Operas in Radio and early television.The Radio Archives staff have done an exceptional job in the restoration of transferring the entire run of Claudia, from the beginning episode to the last show in the series. Each episode deals with a newlyweds life residing in New York City just after World War II.  Highly recommended for a slice of American life and what the average housewife was listening to Monday through Friday in the late 1940's.  You might be surprised to find out the similarities that still exist today.

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  2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Charming and Addictive May 20, 2022
Reviewer: Donald Urbancic  
Although not a fan of soap operas, I purchased "Claudia" and "One Man's Family" with doubts that I would ever listen to them. Kermyt Anderson's letter enticed me to check out "Claudia" and sure enough, it is charming and addictive. Many thanks for this and for your commitment to preservation!

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  2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 What a Thoughtful, Gentle, and Loving Soap Opera May 20, 2022
Reviewer: Greg Adams  
Recently, I purchased "Claudia," Volume 1. I'm almost finished listening to it. (One cannot and should not try and listen to all of the episodes in one or two sittings.) All I can say is, what a thoughtful, loving and gentle soap opera that was and is. Thanks so much for restoring it and making it available to us. Please don't keep me waiting for too long for volume 2 and the others to follow!

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  2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Thank You for This Wonderful Show May 20, 2022
Reviewer: John Leasure  
Thank you for this wonderful show. This is the kind of show radio did so well -- a small cast telling small stories.

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  2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 I Loved the Claudia Shows May 20, 2022
Reviewer: John Payne  
I loved the "Claudia" shows and look forward to the next volume.

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 I Bought It for My Wife May 20, 2022
Reviewer: Kermyt Anderson  
I'm looking forward to hearing Claudia. I bought it for my wife, really--she's a big fan of "non-situation" domestic comedies, such as "The Couple Next Door" and "The Marriage." From your description of the series it sounded like she'd enjoy this one as well. Your discs arrived in lightening time. She immediately popped Disc 1 into her portable CD player, and lo and behold my guess was right! She says it's very much to her tastes. I had chance to listen to the first episode on the drive to work this morning, and I suspect that even though the program lacks murders or belly laughs, I'm going to enjoy it as well. The sound quality is fantastic, by the way! (That is to say, consistent with all of your previous offerings.) Thanks again for producing such a fine, quality product and helping to preserve our radio heritage.

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 It's a New Soap for Me May 20, 2022
Reviewer: Larry Thomas  
Claudia is proving to be a pleasant, relaxing experience. It's a new "soap" for me; don't remember my mother doing her ironing to it back in the 40's. She chose "Portia Faces Life", "Stella Dallas," "Backstage Wife", and "Just Plain Bill" as her normal listening fare.

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Joan McCracken Biography May 20, 2022
Reviewer: Lisa Jo Sagolla  
It is with great delight that I write to thank you for making available "Premier Collections: Claudia, Volume I." My boyfriend, Richard Pirodsky, recently bought me the Claudia collection as a gift. I am the author of the book "The Girl Who Fell Down: A Biography of Joan McCracken" (Northeastern University Press, 2003). Although McCracken is perhaps best known for her Broadway and film work, as well as her significant influence on the choreography career of her husband, Bob Fosse, she was also the actress who played the role of Claudia in the 1952 television series (mentioned in the wonderful liner notes accompanying your collection). However, in the ten years I spent researching McCracken's life and career, I was unable to find any extant films, kinescopes, or recordings of any kind from the Claudia television shows. I was only able to find newspaper and magazine reviews of McCracken's performance in the role along with some still photos from the series. The bewitching headshot of McCracken that appears on the cover of my book was taken during the time she was working on the Claudia series. I'm sure you can imagine how happy I was to receive the recordings of the Claudia radio series and to be able to learn more about the various treatments of the Claudia character over the years. I am enjoying your CDs tremendously and look forward to the subsequent volumes.

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Enjoyable, Realistic, and Addictive May 20, 2022
Reviewer: Michael Neno  
I just placed an order for Claudia Volume 2. I have to say this is the most enjoyable, realistic, and addictive soap opera I've ever listened to, and I'm very much hoping you'll release the entire series. I can tell you I'll support you all the way with this series. Thank you for all your fine preservation work!

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 My Wife and I Love It! May 20, 2022
Reviewer: Steve Darnall  
Thank you for your efforts. They are appreciated and I'm grateful for the chance to shine some light on them in the Nostalgia Digest. And the Premier Collection of Claudia is wonderful! My wife and I love it!

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