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Radio Archives Treasures, Volume 7 - 20 hours [Download] #RA907D
Radio Archives Treasures, Volume  7 - 20 hours

20 hours - Digital Download

Our Price: $39.99

Availability: Available for download now
Product Code: RA907D

Radio Archives Treasures
Volume 7
Audio Clip
Radio Preservation has always been at the core of Radio Archives. This exciting series is derived from our massive collection of thirty thousand radio shows from 16" transcription discs and fifty thousand shows from low generation reels.
This 20 hour collection includes shows from the classic days of Radio. You'll find rare and obscure as well as mainstream radio shows from the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s in the Radio Archives Treasures sets.
These shows have all been restored with state-of-the-art CEDAR technology - the audio processing system used by major recording companies to restore older recordings. We expect the shows to be the best sounding copies available anywhere.
Radio Archives Treasures are available as MP3 digital downloads or Audio CDs, restored to sparkling digital quality.
CD #1
Lights Out
The Story Of Mr. Maggs
Tuesday, December 1, 1942 - 30:00 - CBS - Ironized Yeast commercials
Lights Out
Tuesday, August 24, 1943 - 30:00 - CBS - Ironized Yeast commercials
CD #2
The Judy Canova Show
#1 First Show of the Series
Tuesday, July 6, 1943 - 30:00 - CBS - Colgate Toothpowder commercials
The Judy Canova Show
#8 Did Mickey Rooney Invite Judy on a Date?
Tuesday, August 24, 1943 - 30:00 - CBS - Colgate Toothpowder commercials
CD #3
The Bing Crosby Show
Guests Jane Wyman, Joe Venuti
Thursday, October 9, 1952 - 30:00 - CBS - General Electric commercials
The Bing Crosby Show
Guests Helen O'Connell, The Bell Sisters
Thursday, October 16, 1952 - 30:00 - CBS - General Electric commercials
CD #4
The Bing Crosby Show
Guests James Stewart, Doris Singleton
Thursday, October 23, 1952 - 30:00 - CBS - General Electric commercials
The Bing Crosby Show
Guest Judy Garland
Thursday, October 30, 1952 - 30:00 - CBS - General Electric commercials
CD #5
The Bing Crosby Show
Guests James Stewart, Rosemary Clooney
Thursday, November 6, 1952 - 30:00 - CBS - General Electric commercials
Chesterfield Time With Paul Whiteman
Guest Charles Butterworth
Thursday, April 21, 1938 - 30:00 - CBS - Chesterfield cigarette commercials
CD #6
Arthur Godfrey Time
All of Me
Friday, September 12, 1947 - 30:00 - CBS - Chesterfield cigarette commercials
The Arthur Godfrey Show
On The Trail Of The Lonesome Pine
Date Unknown - 30:00 - CBS - Chesterfield cigarette commercials
CD #7
People Are Funny
#159 Dancing With Three Men
1956 - 30:00 - NBC - RCA Victor TV commercials
People Are Funny
#160 Getting People For A Wedding
1956 - 30:00 - NBC - RCA Victor Skipper commercials
CD #8
This Is Your Life
The Life Of Charlie McCarthy part 1 of 2
Wednesday, March 1, 1950 - 30:00 - NBC - Philip Morris cigarette commercials
This Is Your Life
The Life Of Charlie McCarthy part 2 of 2
Wednesday, March 8, 1950 - 30:00 - NBC - Philip Morris cigarette commercials
CD #9
The Ginny Simms Show
Guest Phil Baker
Friday, January 25, 1946 - 30:00 - CBS - Borden's commercials
The Ginny Simms Show
Guest Red Skelton
Friday, February 1, 1946 - 30:00 - CBS - Borden's commercials
CD #10
The Ginny Simms Show
Guest Jerry Colonna
Friday, February 8, 1946 - 30:00 - CBS - Borden's commercials
The Ginny Simms Show
Guest Sonny Tufts
Friday, February 15, 1946 - 30:00 - CBS - Borden's commercials
CD #11
A Conversation With Cecil Underwood
Part 1 of 2
Thursday, September 26, 1974 - 60:00 - No commercials
CD #12
A Conversation With Cecil Underwood
Part 2 of 2
Thursday, September 26, 1974 - 30:00 - No commercials
Edward R. Murrow News
Murrow attacks Senator McCarthy
Friday, March 12, 1954 - 15:00 - CBS - Ford commercials
Elmer Peterson and the News
Red China Foreign Policy
Wednesday, November 24, 1954 - 15:00 - NBC - Fuller Paint commercials
CD #13
The Danny Kaye Show
Danny's New Dog
Saturday, February 17, 1945 - 30:00 - CBS - Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer commercials
The Danny Kaye Show
The Case Of The Murdered Meatball
Saturday, February 24, 1945 - 30:00 - CBS - Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer commercials
CD #14
Melody Ranch
Carved Initials on a Tree
Saturday, November 15, 1952 - 30:00 - CBS - Doublemint Gum commercials
Melody Ranch
Ben Carter
Sunday, September 20, 1953 - 30:00 - CBS - Doublemint Gum commercials
CD #15
Mystery in the Air
The Marvelous Barastro
Thursday, August 7, 1947 - 30:00 - NBC - Camel cigarette commercials
The Chase
The Penny-Pinching Landlords
Sunday, February 8, 1953 - 30:00 - NBC - Sustaining, no commercials
CD #16
Four Star Playhouse
Surprise For The Professor
Sunday, September 4, 1949 - 30:00 - NBC - Sustaining, no commercials
Hollywood Star Playhouse
Nor Gloom of Night
Sunday, April 27, 1952 - 30:00 - NBC - The Bakers of America commercials
CD #17
The Texaco Star Theatre
Bela Lugosi
Sunday, April 25, 1943 - 30:00 - CBS/AFRS - No commercials
The Carnation Contented Hour
Monday, August 21, 1939 - 30:00 - NBC - Carnation Milk commercials
CD #18
The Lifebuoy Show
So Help Me
Tuesday, November 1, 1938 - 30:00 - CBS - Lifebuoy Soap commercials
Let's Go to Slapsie's
Audition Show
Thursday, August 16, 1945 - 30:00 - NBC - No commercials
CD #19
Candy Matson, YUkon 2-8209
San Juan Bautista
Monday, December 18, 1950 - 30:00 - NBC - Sustaining, no commercials
The Halls of Ivy
Track Star
Wednesday, January 30, 1952 - 30:00 - NBC - Schiltz Beer commercials
CD #20
The Free Company
The Oxbow Incident
Sunday, March 30, 1941 - 30:00 - CBS - Sustaining, no commercials
The Guys Next Door
Audition Show
Friday, July 25, 1947 - 15:00 - ABC - No commercials
Perry Mason
#1605 The Honeymoon Murder Case
1950 - 15:00 - CBS - No commercials

Average Customer Review: Average Customer Review: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Write a review

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Excellent selection November 7, 2022
Reviewer: Stephen K Lau from Atlanta, GA United States  
Great quality as usual.  Excellent selection.  Many hours of very enjoyable listening

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