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Radio Archives Treasures, Volume 77 - 20 hours [Audio CDs] #RA977
Radio Archives Treasures, Volume 77 - 20 hours

20 hours - Audio CD Set

Our Price: $79.98

Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
Product Code: RA977

Radio Archives Treasures
Volume 77
Audio Clip
Radio Preservation has always been at the core of Radio Archives. This exciting series is derived from our massive collection of thirty thousand radio shows from 16" transcription discs and fifty thousand shows from low generation reels.
This 20 hour collection includes shows from the classic days of Radio. You'll find rare and obscure as well as mainstream radio shows from the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s in the Radio Archives Treasures sets.
These shows have all been restored with state-of-the-art CEDAR technology - the audio processing system used by major recording companies to restore older recordings. We expect the shows to be the best sounding copies available anywhere.
Radio Archives Treasures are available as MP3 digital downloads or Audio CDs, restored to sparkling digital quality.
CD #1
The Henry Morgan Show
First Show
Monday, September 2, 1946 - 30:00 - ABC - Sustaining, No commercials
The Henry Morgan Show
The Morgan Magazine Digest
Wednesday, October 30, 1946 - 30:00 - ABC - Eversharp-Schick commercials
CD #2
One Man's Family
Book 86 Chapter 6 Two Frustrated Lovers
Monday, June 4, 1951 - 15:00 - NBC - Miles Laboratories commercials
One Man's Family
Book 91 Chapter 22 A New Year Begins
Tuesday, January 1, 1952 - 15:00 - NBC - Miles Laboratories commercials
One Man's Family
Book 96 Chapter 11 The Rejected Poetaster
Monday, June 30, 1952 - 15:00 - NBC - Miles Laboratories commercials
CD #3
The Man in The Iron Mask
1948 - 15:00 - Australia - No commercials
The Man in The Iron Mask
1948 - 15:00 - Australia - No commercials
The Man in The Iron Mask
1948 - 15:00 - Australia - No commercials
The Man in The Iron Mask
1948 - 15:00 - Australia - No commercials
CD #4
Philco Radio Time
#15 Walter O'Keefe, Brace Beemer
Wednesday, January 7, 1948 - 30:00 - ABC - Philco Radio commercials
Philco Radio Time
#16 Evelyn Knight, George Burns
Wednesday, January 14, 1948 - 30:00 - ABC - Philco Radio commercials
CD #5
Philco Radio Time
#17 Gracie Allen, George Burns
Wednesday, January 21, 1948 - 30:00 - ABC - Philco Radio commercials
Philco Radio Time
#18 Esther Williams
Wednesday, January 28, 1948 - 30:00 - ABC - Philco Radio commercials
CD #6
People Are Funny
1st Contestant Betty Printer
Friday, June 6, 1947 - 30:00 - NBC - Raleigh Cigarettes
People Are Funny
Clen Ray From the Marshall Islands
Friday, September 26, 1947 - 30:00 - NBC - Raleigh Cigarettes
CD #7
The Harold Peary Show
Circus Day
Wednesday, April 25, 1951 - 30:00 - CBS - Sustaining no commercials
The Harold Peary Show
Marvin's Gang
Wednesday, May 2, 1951 - 30:00 - CBS - Sustaining no commercials
CD #8
Wild Bill Hickok
#36 The Challenge of Sentinel Ridge
Monday, December 17, 1951 - 30:00 - Mutual - Kellogs Corn Pops commercials
Wild Bill Hickok
#37 Wyatt Foster’s Secret
Wednesday, December 19, 1951 - 30:00 - Mutual - Kellogs Corn Pops commercials
CD #9
Hear It Now
Program #4
Friday, January 5, 1951 - 60:00 - CBS - Sustaining, No commercials
CD #10
You Bet Your Life
Secret Word - Floor
Wednesday, December 20, 1950 - 30:00 - NBC - DeSoto-Plymouth commercials
You Bet Your Life
Secret Word - Smile
Wednesday, December 27, 1950 - 30:00 - NBC - DeSoto-Plymouth commercials
CD #11
You Bet Your Life
Secret Word - Chair
Wednesday, January 3, 1951 - 30:00 - NBC - DeSoto-Plymouth commercials
You Bet Your Life
Secret Word - Heart
Wednesday, January 10, 1951 - 30:00 - NBC - DeSoto-Plymouth commercials
CD #12
The Palmolive Beauty Box Theatre
Rio Rita
Wednesday, February 3, 1937 - 30:00 - CBS - Palmolive Soap commercials
The Palmolive Beauty Box Theatre
The Countess Maritza
Wednesday, February 10, 1937 - 30:00 - CBS - Palmolive Soap commercials
CD #13
Terry and the Pirates
The Case of The Goofy Gosling
Monday, July 14, 1947 - 15:00 - ABC - Sustained no Commercials
Terry and the Pirates
Escape in August
Friday, August 1, 1947 - 15:00 - ABC - Sustained no Commercials
Terry and the Pirates
Terry Lee and the Gold Detector Ring
Friday, September 12, 1947 - 15:00 - ABC - Quaker Puffed Wheat & Rice
Terry and the Pirates
The Dragon Lady Strikes Back
Tuesday, October 14, 1947 - 15:00 - ABC - Quaker Puffed Wheat & Rice
CD #14
Biography in Sound
Meet Carl Sandburg
Sunday, February 20, 1955 - 60:00 - NBC - Sustaining no commercials
CD #15
Command Performance
#207 Army Nurse Corps Anniversary Show
Thursday, January 17, 1946 - 30:00 - AFRS - No commercials
Command Performance
#213 Frank Morgan
1946 - 30:00 - AFRS - No commercials
CD #16
The Robin Hood Show
1952 - 15:00 - Syndicated - Robin Hood Flour commercials
The Robin Hood Show
1952 - 15:00 - Syndicated - Robin Hood Flour commercials
The Robin Hood Show
1952 - 15:00 - Syndicated - Robin Hood Flour commercials
The Robin Hood Show
1953 - 15:00 - Syndicated - Robin Hood Flour commercials
CD #17
Mandrake the Magician
#133 A Bomb Is About to Explode
Monday, September 15, 1941 - 15:00 - World syndication - No commercials
Mandrake the Magician
#134 Narda and the Professor Have Survived
Wednesday, September 17, 1941 - 15:00 - World syndication - No commercials
Mandrake the Magician
#145 The Green Mask Is Using a Submarine
Monday, October 13, 1941 - 15:00 - World syndication - No commercials
Mandrake the Magician
#146 The Car Chase Continues
Wednesday, October 15, 1941 - 15:00 - World syndication - No commercials
CD #18
In the Crimelight
Wednesday, February 12, 1936 - 15:00 - C.P. MacGregor syndication - No commercials
In the Crimelight
Wednesday, February 19, 1936 - 15:00 - C.P. MacGregor syndication - No commercials
In the Crimelight
Wednesday, February 26, 1936 - 15:00 - C.P. MacGregor syndication - No commercials
In the Crimelight
Wednesday, March 4, 1936 - 15:00 - C.P. MacGregor syndication - No commercials
CD #19
The Line Up
#123 Cowardly Castro - Rehearsal
Thursday, January 1, 1953 - 30:00 - CBS - Sustaining no commercials
The Line Up
#124 Once Upon a Snow-Plow - Reahersal
Thursday, January 8, 1953 - 30:00 - CBS - Sustaining no commercials
CD #20
The Sons of the Pioneers Show
1949 - 15:00 - Teleways syndication - No commercials
The Sons of the Pioneers Show
1949 - 15:00 - Teleways syndication - No commercials
The Sons of the Pioneers Show
1949 - 15:00 - Teleways syndication - No commercials
The Sons of the Pioneers Show
1949 - 15:00 - Teleways syndication - No commercials

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