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Radio Archives Treasures, Volume 3 - 20 hours [Download] #RA903D
Radio Archives Treasures, Volume  3 - 20 hours

20 hours - Digital Download

Our Price: $39.99

Availability: Available for download now
Product Code: RA903D

Radio Archives Treasures
Volume 3
Audio Clip
Radio Preservation has always been at the core of Radio Archives. This exciting series is derived from our massive collection of thirty thousand radio shows from 16" transcription discs and fifty thousand shows from low generation reels.
This 20 hour collection includes shows from the classic days of Radio. You'll find rare and obscure as well as mainstream radio shows from the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s in the Radio Archives Treasures sets.
These shows have all been restored with state-of-the-art CEDAR technology - the audio processing system used by major recording companies to restore older recordings. We expect the shows to be the best sounding copies available anywhere.
Radio Archives Treasures are available as MP3 digital downloads or Audio CDs, restored to sparkling digital quality.
CD #1
Pete Kelly's Blues
Veda Brant
Wednesday, July 11, 1951 - 30:00 - NBC - Sustaining, no commercials
Pete Kelly's Blues
Phonograph Record
Wednesday, September 5, 1951 - 30:00 - NBC - Sustaining, no commercials
CD #2
Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar
The James Clayton Matter starring John Lund
Friday, December 5, 1952 - 30:00 - CBS - No commercials
Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar
The Fatal Fillet Matter
Sunday, May 10, 1959 - 30:00 - CBS - Pepsi-Cola commercials
CD #3
The Big Time
My Best Girl
Friday, August 1, 1952 - 30:00 - CBS - Sustaining, no commercials
The Big Time
Friday, August 29, 1952 - 30:00 - CBS - Sustaining, no commercials
CD #4
Mark Trail
The Forty-Year Freeze
Wednesday, October 11, 1950 - 30:00 - Mutual - Kellogg's Corn Flakes commercials
Mark Trail
The Witch Of Lost Forest
Friday, October 13, 1950 - 30:00 - Mutual - Kellogg's Corn Flakes commercials
CD #5
A Salute to ...
Al Jolson
Tuesday, October 1, 1946 - 60:00 - Mutual - Sustaining, no commercials
CD #6
Rexall's Parade of Stars
#1 Chattanooga Choo Choo
Sunday, April 12, 1942 - 15:00 - Syndicated - Rexall commercials
Rexall's Parade of Stars
#2 Dance Of The Sugar Plum Fairy
Tuesday, April 14, 1942 - 15:00 - Syndicated - Rexall commercials
Rexall's Parade of Stars
#3 Every Little Movement Has a Meaning All its Own
Thursday, April 16, 1942 - 15:00 - Syndicated - Rexall commercials
Rexall's Parade of Stars
#4 Marguetta
Saturday, April 18, 1942 - 15:00 - Syndicated - Rexall commercials
CD #7
Junior Miss
1950s - 15:00 - CBS/AFRS - No commercials
Junior Miss
1950s - 15:00 - CBS/AFRS - No commercials
Junior Miss
1950s - 15:00 - CBS/AFRS - No commercials
Junior Miss
1950s - 15:00 - CBS/AFRS - No commercials
CD #8
The Campbell Playhouse
June Moon
Sunday, March 24, 1940 - 60:00 - CBS - Campbell's Soup commercials
CD #9
The Chicago Theatre of the Air
Babes in Toyland
Saturday, December 24, 1949 - 60:00 - Mutual - Sustaining, no commercials
CD #10
The Texaco Star Theatre
Annual Awards to Hollywood Riff and Raff
Sunday, March 8, 1942 - 60:00 - CBS - Texaco commercials
CD #11
NBC's Fifteenth Anniversary Party
Part 1 of 3
Saturday, November 15, 1941 - 60:00 - NBC - Sustaining, no commercials
CD #12
NBC's Fifteenth Anniversary Party
Part 2 of 3
Saturday, November 15, 1941 - 60:00 - NBC - Sustaining, no commercials
CD #13
NBC's Fifteenth Anniversary Party
Part 3 of 3
Saturday, November 15, 1941 - 60:00 - NBC - Sustaining, no commercials
CD #14
You Bet Your Life
The secret word is Roof - The first contestant is Prince Rass Manululu
Saturday, March 30, 1957 - 30:00 - Syndicated - DeSoto-Plymouth commercials
You Bet Your Life
The secret word is Arm - The first contestant is Mike Jackson
Saturday, April 6, 1957 - 30:00 - Syndicated - DeSoto-Plymouth commercials
CD #15
The Doris Day Show
Who, Who, Who? - Guests Danny Thomas & Mrs Gus Kahn
Friday, March 28, 1952 - 30:00 - CBS - Sustaining, no commercials
The Doris Day Show
It Was Just One Of Those Things - Guests Ray Bolger & Frank Loesser
Friday, April 11, 1952 - 30:00 - CBS - Sustaining, no commercials
CD #16
Can You Tie That?
Bob Hope and Bing Crosby
Sunday, April 21, 1946 - 60:00 - KLAC Los Angeles - Sustaining, no commercials
CD #17
Call for Music
The first tune is "Manana"
Friday, February 13, 1948 - 30:00 - CBS - Philip Morris commercials
Call for Music
The first tune is "The Big Brass Band From Brazil"
Friday, March 19, 1948 - 30:00 - CBS - Philip Morris commercials
CD #18
Call for Music
The first tune is "Manana"
Friday, March 26, 1948 - 30:00 - CBS - Philip Morris commercials
Call for Music
The first tune is "I'm Just Wild About Harry"
Friday, April 2, 1948 - 30:00 - CBS - Philip Morris commercials
CD #19
Light Up Time
Frank Sinatra sings I Can Be Happy, I Can Be Sad
Tuesday, December 27, 1949 - 15:00 - NBC - Lucky Strike commercials
Light Up Time
Rehearsal Frank Sinatra Sings Bye Bye Baby
Friday, December 30, 1949 - 15:00 - NBC - Lucky Strike commercials
The Chesterfield Supper Club
Fun and Fancy Free
Monday, September 10, 1945 - 15:00 - NBC - Chesterfield cigarette commercials
The Chesterfield Supper Club
Blue Turning Gray Over You
Thursday, June 1, 1950 - 15:00 - NBC - Chesterfield cigarette and Dodge commercials
CD #20
Just Plain Bill
Arlene used her ring to inject cobra poison into Nancy's hand!
Monday, August 1, 1955 - 15:00 - NBC - Sustaining, no commercials
Just Plain Bill
Arlene is a sick and dangerous girl!
Wednesday, August 10, 1955 - 15:00 - NBC - Sustaining, no commercials
Just Plain Bill
Bill thinks Arlene is trying to kill his daughter with cobra poison!
Thursday, August 11, 1955 - 15:00 - NBC - Sustaining, no commercials
Just Plain Bill
Howard has joined Bill in trying to expose Arlene Wilson
Thursday, September 8, 1955 - 15:00 - NBC - Sustaining, no commercials

Average Customer Review: Average Customer Review: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 4 Write a review

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 old time radio in hi fi October 15, 2022
Reviewer: [email protected] from Maryborough, QLD Australia  
excellent quality as usual from RA
Perfect for broadcasting as part of historical programing in Alice Springs.

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Great quality October 10, 2022
Reviewer: Stephen K Lau from Atlanta, GA United States  
Good variety of shows.  Very enjoyable.  Excellent sound quality as usual.

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 June 23, 2022
Reviewer: Frank Annotto from Milford, CT United States  

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  2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Treasures #5 May 28, 2022
Reviewer: Gary Crawford from Manassas, VA United States  
I've been collecting classic radio shows for over 50 years, but every so often, even now, I run across something unusual and outstanding.  I found it in this set.  The Saturday Night Swing Club is one of the most engaging and enjoyable broadcasts I've ever heard.   You could easily just  sell this remarkable 90 minute masterpiece for the same price as the entire set and it would still be worth the price.  It is top notch in quality, performances, engineering of a live show and you get a lot of surprises.  One of the New York studio hosts was later one of the top sports broadcasters of all time.  The very serious announcer on the Paris feed (and this almost got by me) is radio news icon, Edward R. Murrow. The variety of  performances is incredible...from large bands, to small combos to artists doing swing music on harps and tin whistles.   All of it just remarkable.  
PS.  The rest of this set is good , too,

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