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Gunsmoke, Volume 6 - 6 hours [Download] #RA356D
Gunsmoke, Volume 6

6 hours - Digital Download

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Product Code: RA356D

Volume 6
Around Dodge City and in the territory on west -- there’s just one way to handle the killers and the spoilers -- and that’s with a U.S. Marshall and the smell of “Gunsmoke”! “Gunsmoke” starring William Conrad. The story of the violence that moved west with young America -- and the story of a man who moved with it. I’m that man, Matt Dillon, United States Marshall -- the first man they look for and the last they want to meet. It’s a chancy job -- and it makes a man watchful...and a little lonely.
While Norman Macdonnell and John Meston were openly relishing the opportunity to upend the highly popular romanticized clichés of the Old West in a new show green lighted by CBS and Paley; the producer and writer still had to tackle a major problem if they wanted Gunsmoke to succeed. Macdonnell and Meston need to find the ideal voice actor to give the newly christened Marshall Matt Dillon life.
William Conrad was one the hardest working actor of all time. Conrad’s distinctive voice carried a rich cacophony of emotional ranges that made him the a sought after actor during Radio’s Golden Age. By some estimates, Conrad acted in over 7,500 radio episodes. Macdonnell didn’t want to cast Conrad in the role of Marshall Matt Dillon because he thought the actor was over-saturated on the airwaves. Meston firmly believed that Conrad was the perfect choice for the role. So like any good partner in a creative endeavor, Meston set out to bring Macdonnell around to his line of thinking.
Getting Macdonnell to agree to cast Conrad as Marshall Matt Dillon proved to be far easier than Meston had anticipated. Macdonnell agreed to let Conrad audition for the role much to Meston’s delight. Conrad read just a few lines before Macdonnell and Meston. With just reading a few lines, Conrad’s portrayal of Dillon as a man isolated by loneliness and a tough life won Macdonnell over.
Listen to the Sparkling Audio Quality in Radio Archives restoration of Gunsmoke, Volume 6.
#93 Gun Smuggler
Saturday, January 30, 1954 - 30:00 - CBS, sustaining
#94 Big Broad
Saturday, February 6, 1954 - 30:00 - CBS, sustaining
#95 The Killer
Saturday, February 13, 1954 - 30:00 - CBS, sustaining
#96 Last Fling
Saturday, February 20, 1954 - 30:00 - CBS, sustaining
#97 Bad Boy
Saturday, February 27, 1954 - 30:00 - CBS, sustaining
#98 The Gentleman
Saturday, March 6, 1954 - 30:00 - CBS, sustaining
#100 Old Friend
Saturday, March 20, 1954 - 30:00 - CBS, sustaining
#101 Blood Money
Saturday, March 27, 1954 - 30:00 - CBS, sustaining
#102 Mr. & Mrs. Amber
Saturday, April 3, 1954 - 30:00 - CBS, sustaining
#103 Greater Love
Saturday, April 10, 1954 - 30:00 - CBS, sustaining
#104 What the Whiskey Drummer Heard
Saturday, April 17, 1954 - 30:00 - CBS, sustaining
#105 Murder Warrant
Saturday, April 24, 1954 - 30:00 - CBS, sustaining

Average Customer Review: Average Customer Review: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 2 Write a review

  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 "GREATER LOVE" May 28, 2022
Reviewer: Richard McLeod from RIVERSIDE, CA United States  
The primary writer associated with Gunsmoke was John Meston.  The "Greater Love" episode included in this Volume 6 is a good example.  A major reason for the show's success dealt with the friendship between the major 4 characters in the series including Marshall Dillon, Chester Proudfoot, Doc Adams and Miss Kitty.  This bond was never as clearly outlined as in this episode, "Greater Love".  The Radio Archives staff has taken the existing shows and put them through their superior restoration process, to produce an audio and tonal quality that has yet to be achieved by other's in the field of restoration of the shows from the Golden Age of Radio.Each Volume follows a sequence of shows whereby there are no repeats. Downloads are also available.HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Gunsmoke - my fav February 8, 2019
Reviewer: joe salerno from richmond, TX United States  
Gunsmoke for me has been like traveling in time. Especially in the eps where there is no narration. The story is told by the dialogue and the sound FX. It's like being there.

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